Lost and Found

Let things go and they will find you again. It’s Universal law that that to which we clutch will only squirm away. That to which we release will enter the flow, streaming back to you, sometimes in a new form. For two years I thought […]

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Insistence Creates Resistance

Have you ever observed the battle of wills between a parent and a child? The parent insists that the kid should eat his vegetables. The child, in his fury, resists. The more the parent demands a certain action, the more the child refuses to deliver […]

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Dare to Surrender

At the very beginning of this marvelous summer (or winter, for you Southern Hemisphere readers), I wrote of surrender. As any writer will tell you, we mostly write about the things we need to learn most. And so it is with this blog. A lot […]

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Where Surrender Lives

The story of these flowers defies natural law. Now I’m not a botanist, but it is my understanding that non-blooming bulbs aka widows do not just up and decide to bloom on a whim. If they are widows, they remain as such. These flowers are […]

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