The Mega Effect of a Mini-Timeout

If you think of life as a marathon race, it becomes clear that sprinting is only something you can do for a limited amount of time. For the most part, it’s about pounding the pavement, one step at a time. Sometimes we pick up the pace […]

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Out of Your Mind

The tingling sensation of true mind suspension is a delightful thing indeed. I am not talking about dropping acid or snorting something funny. I am referring more to the restorative powers of taking time off. You haven’t heard from me in a while — in […]

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Life layers us with callouses, yet we remain so fragile. So breakable. So vulnerable to so many, many things. Sometimes we experience a slow crush without even realizing it. Then one day it hits us. Bam! Burnout. Blackout. Time-out! Having spent a few decades on […]

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Vacating the premises

In a special Work-Life Balance section, CNN reported yesterday about vacation time in the United States. Are you fearful to take time off because you think you might get axed? Think again. It has been proven that rested workers are more productive than those who […]

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Product Review: Audéo Perfect Fit Earphones

Music can soothe the soul, especially when the noise of our lives encases us. I recently tried out Audéo Perfect Fit Earphones by the Swiss hearing aide manufacturer Phonak. While the quality sounded a little tinny for my taste, I enjoyed relaxing with the sound-silencing feature of […]

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