Celebrating Time

No other time of the year is quite as remarkable as your birthday. It’s the anniversary of your coming into full being on the planet. If that’s not reason to celebrate! The best part is when others are joyful and congratulate you for another year […]

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How Much ‘We-Time’ Do We Spend?

Memorex recently commissioned Harris Interactive to conduct a study on how much time families spend together and what they do during that time. Given that the power of slow is about what we do with the time we have, I was particularly interested in this […]

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Survey Time ~ It’s a question of time

In my travels I have had the pleasure of interviewing some amazing people about their relationship with time. From Bikram Choudhury to Deepak Chopra to Rosanne Cash, I’ve asked them all the same questions. Now it’s your turn! Take this thirty-second survey to find out […]

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My chat with Rosanne Cash

wowOwow has published my chat with Rosanne Cash, which will also be on NPR Saturday, August 14 at 5 pm ET. We talked about time, travel and the importance of sound. Because of her deep sensibility about our relationship with time, it turned out to […]

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