Where Do You Go to Get Your Mojo?

Okay, so we’ve talked juicy. That’s when you have a chance meeting with someone who will rock your world. But what if you aren’t in a space to meet new people, are overloaded with work and just want to flop on the couch with a […]

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Because Work is a Part of Life

In 2009 Smith College, a quaint liberal arts women’s college nestled on the edge of the Berkshire Mountains in Western Massachusetts, recognized the need for students to understand the intersection between work and life by founding the Center for Work and Life. As an alumna […]

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Nagging Leaders Create the Greatest Stress

A recent Workplace Survey conducted in eleven countries by the global executive staffing firm, Robert Half International, found that your  boss can be a source of great stress. Duh? Not surprising, but the reason can often be attributed to a lack of management skills, not […]

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Mind-mapping your way to freedom

Many thanks to Psychology Today reader Kallin, who pointed me to this mind map, courtesy of LearningFundamentals.com.au. It beautifully illustrates how we can regain control of the things we do in the time that we have. Happy Monday Morning, All!

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Life’s Little Surprises

You wake up an hour later than you thought. Your job description has been turned on its head. The weather takes a sudden turn. Change, and the way its managed, can impact our lives more than we realize. As I recently read somewhere, long-term success […]

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Weighty PhDs Tip the Balance

Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. Does being powerful make you well? Not always. According to a new global survey whose US-based findings were released by GfK Custom Research North America, U.S. employees with PhDs were both most engaged (38 percent highly engaged) with the […]

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The Juggle without the Struggle

Image via Wikipedia Managing family and work life offers up its own set of challenges as you split your attention, and sometimes your personality, to meet the needs of everyone else. Living in Germany while working virtually in others brings that level of schizophrenia to […]

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In the Balance ~ When Work Takes Over Life

Image via Wikipedia “China?” My friend’s face dropped a notch. His company was sending him on a six-month stint to the coldest part of China starting September. He knew his career depended on it. His wife seemed philosophical. “I’ve always wanted to visit The Great […]

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When Reality Hits

The Power of Slow is about mindful living; When Reality Hits: What Employers Want Recent College Graduates to Know takes a good look at what it means to engage in mindful working. The book is organized into twelve chapters that cover the gamut of corporate […]

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