Introducing the Wednesday Wisdom Audio Series



  1. Daryl Ussery

    June 24, 2009 at 3:13 pm

    I discovered your web from your interview with Bas de Baar.
    I found it helpful and look forward to getting a couple of copies of your book.
    One for me and one for my son who is off to Texas A&M after just returning from proudly serving his country in Iraq.

    1. powerofslow

      June 24, 2009 at 4:21 pm

      I am moved by your interest. Thank you, Daryl. The power of slow is particularly great for college students. Just the other day I read an article in USA Today about how kids are texting their educations away. Send your son my regards and my deepest gratitude for his commitment to the United States and for risking his life so we can enjoy ours.

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