Back to Nature – for Kids

Go outside!

I shout that at least once a day. What is a pariah to my kids, is the saving grace to my mental health and, as it turns out, theirs, too.

The Ad Council and the U.S. Forest Service have created a campaign to encourage today’s youth (specifically tweens aged 8-12) and their parents to re-connect with nature by experiencing it first-hand.

There are many health benefits to kids who spend time out in nature. Time spent in nature gives kids the ability to engage in unstructured and adventurous play, improving their physical and mental health and emotional well-being. It also helps create a conservation ethic and a life-long love of nature. And did you know that the close proximity to open green space is related to reducing childhood obesity? The closer the trees, the easier they are to climb.

More fun facts:

• U.S. children spend 50% less time outdoors than 20 years ago
• Research shows, that children who play outside:

  1. play more creatively;
  2. have lower stress levels;
  3. have more active imaginations;
  4. become fitter and leaner;
  5. develop stronger immune systems;
  6. have greater respect for themselves, for
    others, and for the environment.

• Based on research conduced by Euro RSCG, 88% of tweens
like being in nature and 79% of tweens wish they could spend
more time in nature.

So go slow. Go natural. Go to the forest and breathe…


  1. sulochanosho

    September 13, 2009 at 9:39 am

    Yes, a belated discovery there amidst the mess of of life and world engulfed in full nonstop speed and greed. It’s a high time, a U turn is needed as an antidose for all our ills and illusions. Nothing nurtures like Nature. Back to nature is like back home.

  2. Willow Drinkwater

    September 24, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    And we must preserve Nature…as she is fast becoming completely cultivated, shorn and/or cemented over. I cringe when I see the mighty oak trees on the back of a truck. Walked in the woods today and said a blessing! Thanks for the reminder sweet one.

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