Thank You, Silence

Alanis Morissette, my lovely female vocalist companion who sings for the millions of women out there without a voice (like hers), once thanked India, Providence, and dis-il-lu-sion-me-hent. Loving her extended vowels like I do, I am grateful to her swanky singer-songwriter soul and for the text she puts to the feelings we all have.

meditation silenceMy gratitude extends far beyond those that I even know (because, well, I don’t really know Alanis, but sure feel close to her truth). I share my gratitude with those who have come before me, and for those who will come after, too. When we tap into that divine delight, the inner core of our being and share it with others such that they will feel it, too, it’s the best feeling ever. That’s what Alanis does, for sure.

Today, is featuring my gratitude essay, ‘The Four Seasons’ about how I would spend the last 24 hours on earth. I am delighted to share it with you via their site. And if you’d like to read it all on another day, sign up for the site to have free access whenever you like.

The question remains: how would you spend your last 24 hours on this planet?

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