Information Overload or Filter Failure
At a recent Web 2.0 conference in New York, Clay Shirky makes an interesting case about how we have lived in a world of information overload since the Gutenburg printing press. He argues it is not about the surplus of information, which we have always had, but the filters we use to adapt to the environment.
For me, the effect is the same. We are bedazzled by all the data. Where we put our attention is important. And it is all based on choice.
Have a look and tell me what you think!
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October 15, 2009 at 2:07 pm[…] Information Overload or Filter Failure « The Power of Slow – view page – cached At a recent Web 2.0 conference in New York, Clay Shirky makes an interesting case about how we have lived in a world of information overload since the Gutenburg printing press. He argues it is… (Read more)At a recent Web 2.0 conference in New York, Clay Shirky makes an interesting case about how we have lived in a world of information overload since the Gutenburg printing press. He argues it is not about the surplus of information, which we have always had, but the filters we use to adapt to the environment. (Read less) — From the page […]