Poll ~ How Much Time Do YOU Spend on the Internet?

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See also my essay on Psychology Today, “Job Dissatisfaction and Internet Use on the Rise”.

1 Comment

  1. Natalie Tucker Miller

    January 7, 2010 at 12:23 pm

    Yes, our lives are changing indeed and in no small way. I suppose every generation can say this for one reason or another, but this is a very exciting time to live on planet earth!
    I remember when my kids were younger. I was fascinated at the relationships they were able to build with their classmates via IM or chat rooms that simply did not happen face to face. IMHO, it created a safe space to self-express which then grew into in-person relationships. The way young adults relate with one another so freely now (from my observations) is likely related to that wonderful technology that allowed them to experiment at a distance.

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