Slow Dynamics
Yesterday’s talk at Barnes & Noble in Charlottesville, VA was very enlightening for me. It was a standing room only crowd with some really great questions at the end. The discussion centered around life, work, and time. While I do not believe in the term work-life balance, I do support what it is trying to create ~moderation in our lives. Work to me is an integral part of my life. Whether I am helping my child with homework, writing a press release or bio for a client, acting in a TV scene or taking out the trash, work can be defined in many ways.
As technology bleeds the lines between public and private, professional and personal, we are challenged with a new task: to find a new language to describe our lives. We cannot circumvent technology, nor do I plead that we do so. Rather I suggest that we harness its power to better our lives instead of muddying them up with more activity.
Slow thought of the day: activity does not equal productivity. What item can you eliminate from your list to celebrate the space between things?
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