You’re grounded!

Being grounded, not in the teenage-uh-oh-mom-caught-me-doing-something sense of the word, but standing in the delicious centeredness of the here and now, is an enviable place to be.

My husband is the most centered person I know. Little sways his oak tree solidness to the left or right. He skates through life with an equinimity I’ve never seen in another human being. He is Mr. Placid to the nth degree.

So when I find myself in the fretting hour, typically a pre-dawn angst that sometimes grabs my attention at 4 a.m. (did you remember the kids’ lunch money? Don’t forget today’s conference call!), I reach for his feet and stack them against mine.

Last night I nuzzled close because I couldn’t find his feet. At that point, after several moments of wakefulness, I reasoned that any part of his warmth would do. But as it goes, when you’ve been married for as long as we have, he instinctively offered up his flippers in mid-snooze. I immediately felt the groundedness and goodness he embodies and fell fast asleep.

Getting grounded is an important activity. It can aid in your productivity like nothing else. So the next time your world goes topsy-turvey, what grounding strategies will you employ?

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  1. Dawn @ Intimacy in Marriage

    June 22, 2010 at 2:24 am

    Love your story! I think one way to get grounded is letting go of worries of the past and future. It’s important to know what the person’s underlying values are as this would help an individual focus on what’s important to a person at the present.

    1. powerofslow

      June 22, 2010 at 5:14 am

      I agree, Dawn. It helps to go through life with someone who shares your values. Otherwise you’re like a wave knocking against a rock!

  2. Slow Motion Monday « The Power of Slow

    June 28, 2010 at 10:27 am

    […] Slow Motion Monday Jump to Comments Last week was tremendous. Picking up the pace a bit, I travelled with book author, Deborah King (Truth Heals), acting as translator of both words and meaning. It was an extraordinary experience into the depths of the human soul (she does energy work). Despite the tiresome travel, I was left feeling energized and centered. I even learned that hugging a tree can ground you like nothing else, except perhaps my husband’s feet. […]

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