Black Friday Gift Suggestions

Have you lifted the turkey fog enough to put the keys in the ignition to head to the mall for your annual post-Thanksgiving trek to your local consumer mecca?

Either way I have a few slow gift ideas you might appreciate.

As I have mentioned elsewhere, reading for just six minutes a day can lower your stress levels by 68%. So it is only natural that I suggest a few good reference guides from my own library.

Like wine? Then check out Good, Better, Best Wines: A Non-Nonsense Guide to Popular Wines by Carolyn Evans Hammond. It gives really sound advice beyond the urban myths that corked wine is somehow better (according to Carolyn, they aren’t necessarily). If you’ve ever found yourself stunned by the selection at the supermarket, this handy pocket-sized guide is a great tool to be sure you have the right vino for every occasion.

Concerned about weight gain over the holidays? Grab a copy of Nutrition At Your Fingertips. It offers common sense advice about how to better balance your food intake for your lifestyle. The ‘at your fingertips’ part is really helpful as you can flip to the section that pertains to you. For instance, if you have a question about sugars, you can flip to that section immediately. Have no idea where to buy good, safe food? Nutritionist author Elisa Zied has you covered.

And finally, my power of slow favorite has to be Puzzle Baron’s Logic Puzzles.  As a kid, I used to hate logic puzzles. I preferred climbing, dancing on my toes or riding my horse. But as I have gotten older, I appreciate the brain capacity required to dissect the logic of these puzzles. A lot of it trains your deductive reasoning, which is great fun and can help pass the long winter days outside! And after you’ve finished the brain teasers in this book, you can go to the accompanying Web site for even more!

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  1. Tweets that mention Black Friday Gift Suggestions « The Power of Slow --

    November 26, 2010 at 3:22 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christine Hohlbaum, Christine Hohlbaum. Christine Hohlbaum said: [Slow Tip] Black Friday Gift Suggestions: Have you lifted the turkey fog enough to put the keys in the ignition … […]

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