Join the Smiling Turtle

What’s today? Not just Pearl Harbor Day. No, no! Today is the day you can join me, Shirley MacLaine, my smiling turtle and many others to receive a ton of bonus prizes when you purchase a copy of The Power of Slow.

Who is the smiling turtle? He’s the product of my brilliant Webmaster who put together this site just for you. Go visit him. He’s a hoot!

How can you benefit from this offer?

Go to Purchase a copy of The Power of Slow (‘Step 1’), put in your amazon order confirmation # by clicking on ‘Step 2’ and receive a free month membership to Shirley MacLaine’s site along with dozens of other gifts from best-selling authors such as Mike Robbins, Stever Robbins, Arielle Ford and more!

I would welcome your participation. Give yourself and others the gift of time this holiday season!

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1 Comment

  1. Tweets that mention Join the Smiling Turtle « The Power of Slow --

    December 7, 2010 at 11:19 am

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christine Hohlbaum, Christine Hohlbaum. Christine Hohlbaum said: [Slow Tip] Join the Smiling Turtle: What’s today? Not just Pearl Harbor Day. No, no! Today is the day you can jo… […]

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