Fifteen Minutes Outside ~ Anyone Can Do it

What if you were to spend fifteen minutes outside every day? Would you slow down?

Rebecca P. Cohen, owner of Rebecca Plants, LLC, says you will.

She conducted an experiment with her kids after finding how harmonious they all were as they walked outside one New Year’s morning. Armed with her knowledge of the outdoors as healer, she set out to spend at least 15 minutes outside with her kids every day. A former member of Corporate America, Rebecca used to rush inside every day. After fifteen years, she decided outside was a better place to be. Thus, Rebecca Plants was born.

The result of her year-long experiment was her book, Fifteen Minutes Outside: 365 Ways to Get Out of the House and Connect with Your Kids. And I tell you, her ideas are really doable! Even with one of my kids who’d rather watch a decade of TV than set her toes in the grass, I have managed to wave the book in front of her nose and say, “Come with me!”

With deep gratitude and even a touch of reverence, I asked to chat with Rebecca to share my success with her. She graciously sat down for a phone chat with to talk about trees and time and total focus when we dally amongst the songbirds and such.

The great thing is anyone can do it~ young or old, native or foreign, athletic or couch-bound. We can all be outside and breathe.

Give Rebecca’s wisdom a listen (9 minutes). And leave a comment with any questions, comments or nature stories of your own!


  1. lifecoachabby

    March 14, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    We prefer to be outside. We spent almost all weekend outside and even had a little dance party with our toddlers on a walking trail.

    1. powerofslow

      March 14, 2011 at 4:29 pm

      That is so awesome, Abby! I find when I hang my wash outside, I have happy clothes, too! 🙂

  2. willow

    March 18, 2011 at 12:29 am

    I hung out my JOY blanket you gave me, Christine, along with all the wash today. Then I walked around and found where all the Spring bulbs were pushing up through the grass. Ah yes!

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