Bearing Your Abundance
What would your life be like if you showed up with an attitude of abundance in every aspect of your being? The first thing to go would be your “I’m not good enough” mantra. It wouldn’t even occur to you to think that because abundance would live there instead.
Time abundance is at the heart of the Power of Slow. When we embrace time as an abundant resource at our disposal, we allow time to accompany us on our journey instead of our working against it. Time becomes both the dirt under our feet and the air that we breathe. It becomes our nourishment, our framework, our everything. We can walk with time, hand in hand, or we can put on our boxing gloves and give it a punch.
Which would you choose?
Abundant thinking moves beyond our temporal relationship, of course. When we view everything in our lives as more than enough, we step away from a lack mentality that tells us it will never be enough.
Someone recently told me that women are never satisfied. I disagree. It’s not just women who feel a sense of lack. Most people, male or female, are conditioned to strive for more. But in that pursuit, we often lose our appreciation of this very moment and of what we already have. As a result, we are left dissatisfied, with a feeling that something better might just be around the corner. Some call that forward-looking optimism. Others call it pessimism. What if we were to replace all of that thinking with NOWism? If the present is bright, as the optimists say the future is, wouldn’t your future automatically be bright too?
Visualize a world in which simply showing up and being yourself was more than enough. You’d bear an abundant grin and your light would shine. And the NOW would be amazing.
It can be. It truly can. Won’t you join me in bearing the biggest abundance you can imagine? Not only the world, but your consciousness would expand too. And that’s a future, born in the now, worth living for.
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August 10, 2012 at 5:12 amThat was another excellent post today. Thanks so much for sharing. Keep up the fantastic job.
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August 13, 2012 at 12:54 pmNowism rhymes with Taoism! I like it. I like it.