A Case Full of Manna
While we may not know the duration of our lives, we can determine our days any time we want. We have a choice whether we see tragedy in the affairs of our hours or a new possibility to learn something we didn’t know before.
Many of us shield ourselves from living on the edge of things. We don’t want the pain, but we also will never know the deep joy that resides along that same path to our truest selves.
Somewhere along the line, I learned to live full out, no matter the danger signs, because I wanted to taste the sweetness of life. I took into account the occasional sour apple to get just one bite of the manna stretched out before me.
I have had my share of manna. And then again, sometimes what looked like manna wasn’t that at all, but something bitter in disguise. Life offers us a chance to learn discernment to avoid those pitfalls. But without those bumps, how would we learn to fall and keep going anyway? Therein lies the next possibility to experience the fullness of our existence.
To all my beloveds who have joined me on my journey, I say thank you. You showed up just when I needed you and for that I will always be grateful. Since I like to be prepared, I have packed a few provisions to make our time together all the richer. I have a case full of manna waiting for you if you need it.
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