Five Ways to Start your Slow New Year
2016 is around the corner. As with every New Year, we have grand intentions to start it off right. We promise to exercise more, eat better and be nicer to ourselves and the world around us.
You know me. Going Slow is my thing. It may not be yours, but a self-paced life is definitely worth checking out. If you’re not sure where to start on the road to heart-based living, consider these options.
5 Ways to Start Your Slow New Year
- Greet the day. How you start your day is often how it ends. Begin the day by repeating a mantra or saying that gets your creative juices flowing. It can be as concise as “Welcome to a new day!” or a longer statement that reinforces your life’s purpose.
- Show gratitude often. A simple “thank you” can go a long way in making you feel better and those around you too. If you focus on what you have rather than what you don’t, you’ll be amazed at how long that list really is.
- Clean house. That includes removing toxic relationships or attitudes. If you’re struggling with your personal relationships, for instance, seek guidance from others who have been there. Arielle Ford’s new release Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate is an excellent guide in ramping up your love life no matter what age you are.
- Embrace Nature. Digging in the dirt – even potted plants – has been proven to improve mental and physical health. In fact, a recent study from The Sage Colleges shows that gardening is as effective (and addictive!) as Prozac. Now that’s sage advice!
- Take an artist’s break. In her best-selling book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron suggests taking a few minutes each day to feed your inner artist. Art is balm for the soul. Can’t get away from the office? Then let the art come to you. Internationally acclaimed photographer Klaus Polkowski has an online gallery with black & white photography from five continents that will knock your socks off! Delve into his images for some Slow inspiration.
It is not time that flies by. We do. The good news is you don’t have to join the race. You can decide to dance instead. The choice is yours. Always.
Fine reading to kick-start your Slow New Year
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