The battle of surrender

Suffice it to say, it has been a weird, weird Spring. Frozen in a state of paralysis, I watched time first stand still, then rush down the corridor in a torrent. Weeks spilled into weekends into a space beyond the clock. Did I wake up […]

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Taking heart in a heartless world

The heart is a vast and beautiful place. We all have one. And sometimes we choose to dwell there. It is mystical. It is magical. It is the source of all life. The moments we meet another heart-to-heart, we can feel it with every fiber […]

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6,000 reasons why Twitter is so powerful

Too much information? Yes, we have too much information. Take Twitter, for example. On average Twitter users produce 500 million tweets per day. It’s a (social media) jungle out there. I have learned to navigate it, using the principles of Slow. It’s not for the […]

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Lonely Planet

Backpackers be warned. The planet has just gotten a little lonelier today. Remember the days of yesteryear? When “Lonely Planet” stood for that dog-earred guide that led dusty travelers to the farthest corners of the Earth? To places of discovery and wonder? To waterfalls and […]

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Time without Meaning

Western understanding of time is that it is a commodity to be exchanged for money. Our entire system, including institutions, commerce, systems for governance and lifestyle, is based on our time-is-money definition. It creates an environment in which clock combat is king. We immerse ourselves […]

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Why I deleted Facebook

Sometimes self-control is not enough. Sometimes you have to carefully position your own roadblocks to force saner living. With the press of an “x”, I dismissed the vitriol that had become my daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not only have I found myself pining for […]

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Gettin’ Jiggy with Hygge

According to the World Happiness Report 2016, Denmark is the happiest country on the planet. If you’re thinking it’s because they have great health care, a substantial gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, an overall high life expectancy, social support, freedom, generosity and little corruption  — the criteria […]

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Slow Road to Everything

Sustainability takes time. If you want something to last, you need to go slow. Want good grades? Study often. Want more fitness? Exercise often. Want to play the flute? Practice often. Want better relationships? Listen often. Good things can come from repetition. A fabulous relationship […]

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Jammin’ to the Good Stuff

My kitchen shelf is stocked to the brim with homemade jam. Admittedly, I became spoiled at the tender age of twenty-two. It was the first time I tasted Monika’s fine bread spread. Hand-picked, summer ripe fruit and a little sugar are the only ingredients she uses. […]

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Mystery Unfolding

Wouldn’t life be grand if only it would work out according to plan — I mean our plan. You know the one. All neatly folded and earmarked and tagged with colorful sticky notes that indicate the direction, timing and course of All Things. And then […]

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