India: The Country of Contrasts

India is a country of contrasts. After traveling throughout South India for the past three months, we have witnessed so much poverty, pollution and poetry of existence. It is a beautiful, wretched, aromatic, putrid, nourishing and soul-bleeding place. The wave of emotions evoked by our experiences […]

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Time for an Adventure

In autumn, drops of sunlight are metered out for mere moments. During the darkening days of the pending winter, my thoughts turn to sunnier times. Travel to warmer climes is on the horizon. Adventure awaits us in Southern India at the end of December. During […]

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Slow Travel in the Times of COVID

Travel has become, shall we say, complicated since the pandemic swept across borders and into the lives of the global populace. Anticipation has been replaced by anxiety and a lurking, ominous sense of second-guessing whether we should just stay put instead remains. But the desire […]

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When you just don’t know

It has been a week of #techfailure. We don’t realize how very dependent we are on our devices until they wheeze and cough, fall silent or retreat — solemnly and completely — into utter darkness. For the past six weeks I have ignored the signs. […]

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The Slow Road Home

900 Miles of driving. 65 Miles of walking. 6 beds. 14 nights. It is time to go home. Visiting the United States is always an amped up, diverse experience. We saw the Beautiful People in Miami Beach, the Party People in Key West, the Slow […]

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Oxygen mask first

A part of me is dying. Perhaps it has to do with my son choosing to live in the United States for a year or my 50th birthday careening towards me in ten months. Or that my nearly grown daughter doesn’t need me nearly as […]

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Cultivating Gratitude

Have you ever noticed that you can’t feel gratitude and misery at the same time? And that gratitude, once unleashed, has an overpowering effect on pretty much everything else? That you start to see things you didn’t have eyes to see before you let thankfulness […]

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Slow Culture, Fast World

The honeymoon is over. The bubble has popped. Reality slammed me in the face at 6 am this morning. That tender space of suspending thinking, in which you float between the time you return from vacation and the return to the day-to-day, is filled with wonder. Your […]

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Tug of War

It is so very tempting to split the world into us versus them. And if you examine yourself closely, you will recognize that there is a part of you that doesn’t look away when passing the scene of an accident. You might not physically look, […]

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