Is joy even possible?

Over 350 million people worldwide battle depression. According to the World Health Organization, depressive disorders have increasingly impacted adolescents in particular over the past decade. It not only affects individuals, but entire systems with an estimated cost on the global economy reaching around 1 trillion […]

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The dream interpreter

Dreams. They accompany us on life’s journey. Yet dreams can turn into expectations, which can turn into our worst nightmares. We dream about what our lives could have been. And what they still could be. We dream about what our children’s lives could have been. […]

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Right Before My Very Eyes

Things aren’t always what they seem. You may feel lost when everything you really need is right in front of you. A few weeks ago I got lost in the city. Walking through the freezing rain with my daughter in tow, we desperately searched for […]

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Busting Buddha’s Knees

It was not one of my finer moments. Eyeing the soft, dry grass, I knew it was a now-or-never moment to whip out the lawn mower for the final cut of the season. In between phone calls, I raced around the house, collecting the extension […]

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Really Search Inside Yourself

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~Aristotle A few weeks ago I read a book by Google’s self-proclaimed Jolly Good Fellow, Chade-Meng Tan, aptly entitled Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving […]

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Life as a Meditation

For someone who’s often on the move, meditation is a hard thing for me to do. It’s no wonder the monks rest atop mountains to think, reflect and focus. It’s not easy down here on the ground for the rest of us! The other day […]

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The Power of Connection

Scientists have long agreed that people in community tend to live longer. In the Middle Ages the greatest punishment was to be rejected by the community, banished for eternity outside the city walls. The word excommunication really does mean just that: no longer in communication […]

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The Wisdom to Know the Difference

Eileen Flanagan met via this blog. She kindly sent me her new release (available for pre-order now, out Spetember 17th) , The Wisdom to Know the difference: When To Make a Change and When to Let Go. It is a moving book with great insights about […]

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