Slow Childhood

“Seven hours of consecutive sleep.” That was my birthday wish after having Kid #2. My mother laughed and promised me this phase would be over before I knew it. At the time, that fact didn’t penetrate my sleep-deprived brain. I didn’t believe her. Now I […]

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The Legacy of Time

The years tumble by. On the eve of my daughter’s fifteenth birthday, I think about where I was then and where I am now. Children are the best measure of time. They show us that the cycle of life is never-ending. Nothing is as gratifying […]

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Slow Childhood

  The blue hue of the screen lent my kids’ faces an eery glow. Eyes widened, mouths slightly ajar, they looked as if they were frozen in time. Digital devices can do that. They not only freeze time, they eat it up, skewing our perception […]

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Good-bye, Walter

Change is all there is. And change is certainly in the air now. It seems in the last four weeks we have lost so many icons of our childhood. I don’t know about you, but the passing of these people has put my life into perspective. We are […]

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