Good-bye, Walter

Change is all there is. And change is certainly in the air now. It seems in the last four weeks we have lost so many icons of our childhood. I don’t know about you, but the passing of these people has put my life into perspective.

walterWe are on this earth to make a difference. Farah Fawcett, with her enviably thick locks and good looks, shaped my early understanding of womanhood. Okay, so Charlie always got to be mysterious while the Angels did his dirty work. But he was never stingy with a kind word, and we all knew who the real hero(in)es were in the story anyway.

Michael Jackson, about whom I have already written, leaves a gaping hole of sadness in many of our hearts. He spoke to that part of us which feels misunderstood, alone, freakish. Michael, we miss you.

And then Walter Cronkite, who taught us that’s the way it is this Day of the Month in this Year.

The passing of so many great people has indeed changed the outer landscape. But it has changed our inner ones as well. As we move through yet another transition in time, our internal change is expressed outwardly and vice versa.

It is indeed sad to say good-bye. Those footsteps are great that we must fill. But with change comes chance. We’ve got a pretty good one in my view…

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