
The year is ending. A new page will turn tomorrow. A new number to remember when we date letters, checks or memories. We ascribe meaning to the flip of the calendar. It gives us a sense of renewal, of hope to do things differently. To […]

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La vie est belle

My grandmother had a sign above her kitchen sink that read „Life Can Be Beautiful“. She would emphasize the “can” in the phrase, indicating she had seen some less than beautiful things in her life. I will always remember her philosophy, even though she is […]

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Same Day, Different Choices

The other day I sat down for a Skype chat with educator Kendra Delano, an expat first grade teacher living in Mexico. While she wore a sleeveless blouse, I froze in my long-sleeved Germanic garb. Such are the differing lives of two Americans living elsewhere. […]

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Say it again, Ayn

A nugget to ponder as I depart the blogosphere for a week of fun in the sun. The power of slow is a philosophy based on the strength of our choices. Do we want to run blindly through our days based on misconceptions of self, or do we […]

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