The Chain of Events

Do you believe in chance? You know, those ‘chance meetings’ or events that sculpt our lives in unforseeable ways? I like to think of such things as fortune. Life is an unfolding mystery, yet it seems as if it is scripted in some ways too.  […]

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Dance in the Receiving

A few months ago a friend of mine taught me a valuable, life-changing exercise I’d like to share with you. It has to do with removing the mental barriers we place on ourselves that ultimately hinder us from getting what it is that we want. […]

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Regaining Your Sense of Wonder

If you have lost your sense of wonder, take a deep breath, close your eyes and remember the last time you had it. You might have to dig deeply to a place you haven’t visited in a while. It might span miles and years and […]

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Embracing the Divine Within

The light curled its fingers around the kitchen counter, penetrating the darkness with its insistent call. “Come outside,” it said. And so I did. God pulled back the curtain of clouds and spoke: “I am you. You are me. We are one.” And so it […]

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Faith prevailing

The word faith got some bad play during the interminable eight years of the Bush administration. We started wars in the name of faith. We cut social services in the name of faith (in a collapsing capitalist structure). Somewhere along the line we lost the […]

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