The Grief of a Nation

It is hard to describe to someone who is not a US citizen what it feels like to watch your birth nation fall apart at the seams. The endemic issues that have percolated to the surface are not new, but the manner with which they […]

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Forgetting the “How” for Now

Trust. That five-letter word, like apple or sleep, that we often forget to bring into our lives. We measure. We calculate. We consider the options. Miles away from our hearts, we think, analyze and separate ourselves from the core of what life is about. Many […]

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The Bud Before the Bloom

The light hit my face with an intensity I hadn’t felt in months as the sky filled the world with a new kind of preciousness. Spring had finally come. Do you know the feeling that you are about to burst with something completely new, utterly […]

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Let There Be Dreams

One of my favorite things to do is to doze in the morning until I’m fully awake. It can sometimes take hours as I lay in an alpha state, dreaming of intense things while thinking any minute I’ll get up, only to turn on my […]

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…and Action!

Multitasking is a nightmare for anyone who loves her concentration. Maybe it has something to do with my getting older, but I really like to do one thing well rather than try to do three things at once with less regard for the outcome. Today […]

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