When “Why” is all there is

Having a vision is an incredibly important ingredient to having a great life. It is the “what” that we often pursue: more money, more fame, more of simply everything. But is the “what” really a driving force that can sustain us? I think not. Even […]

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Miracles Take Time

Time is one of my favorite topics. It affects absolutely everything in the Universe, inanimate or not. How long a thing, person, plant, planet or pet exists depends on the isochrony of the clock. When I was a graduate student, I brought my love of language […]

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Mystery Unfolding

Wouldn’t life be grand if only it would work out according to plan — I mean our plan. You know the one. All neatly folded and earmarked and tagged with colorful sticky notes that indicate the direction, timing and course of All Things. And then […]

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Dwell in Possibility

Surmounting seemingly impossible tasks is an essential part of life. When I took my very first written exam at German university, I was scared out of my wits. All kinds of ‘what if’s’ floated through my head. ‘What if I can’t formulate my thoughts in […]

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Slow Acting: Part II

Gabrielle Scharnitzky offered the most amazing weekend acting workshop I’ve ever attended. The heart of acting is about coming from a pure state of truth. The slow comes in realizing things come more quickly to us, the things we truly desire, when we slow down. […]

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Slow Quote ~ Loving the Moment

All that we’ve ever looked for has been within us all along. That is the lesson of Paul Coelho’s The Alchemist. In Power of Slow terms you might find this quote to be the same thing. When we love the moment, we unleash exponential possibilities. […]

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Time Relationship and the Marshmellow Game

It’s not just me. Time perceptions really do inform how we live our lives. According to John Byrd and Philip Zimbardo, two psychologists from California, children’s ability to delay gratification led to improved standardized test performance later in life. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7E2VeN3BWU] Wow. A marshmellow today or […]

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