The Frenzy of Immediacy

Ping. Click. Bing. Bloop. Blip. Huuuuuunnnn! How often do you hear these sounds on an average day? And each time you do, your attention is pulled away from what you are doing to what someone else wants you to know. Parenting in a digital world […]

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Junk in the Trunk

According to United Nations University, the world created 41.8 million tons of electro-trash last year. Who was at the top of the list? The United States: A whopping 7.1 million tons of old computers, laptops, smartphones, television sets and more stemmed from US households in 2014 […]

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The Shocking Truth of Gadget Usage

Their heads were bowed. Their eyes were lowered. For a moment, I thought Manhattanites were in mourning again. Only it wasn’t 2001. It was 2008. And everyone I saw on the street was looking at their smartphones. I haven’t lived in the United States since […]

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For the Love of Creation

Nature, that juicy piece of the world that teaches us so much. A tree stands tall through storms and sunshine. A flower unfolds simply for the beauty of itself. A bird sings because it can. Everything in Nature is precoded. A blade of grass doesn’t […]

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What Kind of Techie Are You?

Do you own a cell phone? Like the 83% of  US adults that do, the world is becoming increasingly tech-driven. It’s gotten me curious. Are there tech profiles? Do people’s tech preferences say something about them? DigitalBuzz says that of the 4+ billion cellphones in use today, […]

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The Case of the Missing iPhone

In our device-driven world, we are not only connected with our families and friends at the touch of a button, we are also sincerely disconnected when we misplace the tools that let us connect in the first place. Take my iPhone, that went missing for […]

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Flying in the No iPhone Zone

My iPhone doesn’t work in the United States. Or, more succinctly, the roaming charges would cost more than a flight at high season. So, along with my desktop, my automobile, and my TV work, I have laid my iPhone to rest for the next five […]

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