The crash of the ocean

Everything that happens on this Earth is in our best interest, even when it is cloaked in dark veils. Some days I wonder why, why, why. Why the injustice? Why the struggle? Why the pain of existence? And then, after a long pause, dancing between […]

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Slow Road to Everything

Sustainability takes time. If you want something to last, you need to go slow. Want good grades? Study often. Want more fitness? Exercise often. Want to play the flute? Practice often. Want better relationships? Listen often. Good things can come from repetition. A fabulous relationship […]

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The Peacemakers

Flash back to 1990. American University. Washington, D.C. I studied peace and conflict with a professor who had been tortured. He of all people had reason to be angry. But he wasn’t. He saw the importance of bringing peace to a war-torn world. And he […]

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The Art of Healing

Some people give you wings. Others place weights on your heart. Even more confusing are the people you thought gave you wings, only to realize how much they weighed you down. Time is a healer, some say. I think it takes more than time to […]

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Light Heals

Sunlight is a necessity. If you have lived in darkness for a long time, seeing the Light for the first time in what feels like years is like rebirth. Light heals. After living through stormy times, I can’t stop smiling now. The sun and its […]

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Life On Purpose

The transcience of life is never more apparent to me than when I learn of someone’s passing. Whether at their own hand (news which I have heard far too often lately) or at the hand of Fate, death is a reminder that our personal bank […]

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Biding Your Time

After attending a recent concert of international singers at my daughter’s school, I am convinced that music can heal the world. You can’t help but feel touched when voices rise up like that. Just try to listen to soul, for instance, and try not to […]

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Life’s Little Surprises

You wake up an hour later than you thought. Your job description has been turned on its head. The weather takes a sudden turn. Change, and the way its managed, can impact our lives more than we realize. As I recently read somewhere, long-term success […]

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The Power of Imagination

Dr. Charlotte Reznick, author of The Power of Your Child’s Imagination, was on my mind this weekend as we took the kids to the mountains for a few days of frolicking. The four-star hotel offered great food, free WiFi, a wellness area with a pool […]

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