Slow Quote ~ Loving the Moment

All that we’ve ever looked for has been within us all along. That is the lesson of Paul Coelho’s The Alchemist. In Power of Slow terms you might find this quote to be the same thing. When we love the moment, we unleash exponential possibilities. […]

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Try one new thing

Image via Wikipedia Sometimes all we need to shake up our routine to bring in more awareness is to do just one thing differently in our day. Perhaps it is taking a slightly different route to work or eating joghurt with fruit instead of your […]

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The Gift of a Year

The Christmas gift I enjoyed most this year was a used book my sister sent me. It was simply perfect as my sister had gushed for almost an hour on the phone about the effects the book had on her earlier this summer. The Gift of a […]

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Space Awakening

You may have ignored its calling, but its crisp edges slice your skin as you enter it. The cool of fall may have only peeked once or twice through the late-summer haze. But its undertones can be heard, if ever vaguely, beneath the sound of […]

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Power tools

Sunday is a day of rest like no other in Germany. A fairly traditional society, Germany observes more religious holidays than any other European country I know (with, perhaps, the exception of Spain). I live in Bavaria, which is the most conservative state in the […]

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