The Joy Option

Virtually every day my friend from New York sends me pictures of the City on his way to work. The monumental buildings, the parks, the sculptures! The pervasive beauty of the place emanates in every photo he texts me. It has become a sharing ritual […]

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Dance Between the Raindrops

Yesterday I got caught in two rainstorms. In my old, pre-Slow life, I may have found that to be problematic at best. But now I take it, take it all, with a blissful acceptance that everything is meant to be. And to be offered an […]

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The Wicked Winds of March

March can be a cruel month. The snow melts, the sun beams, the flowers peek their noses above the earth’s surface. And then, just when you least expect it, a snowstorm pelts you back into winter again. Life can be like that too. Setbacks are […]

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The Joy Option

Love comes from within. And it starts with loving yourself first. You know the adage: you can’t find love if you don’t know how to give it. That applies to giving it to yourself in heaps too. I learned this lesson the hard way, always […]

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Five Fast Ways to More Joy

The title caught your eye, didn’t it? Not all things that are worthwhile have to come slowly. And although I am dedicated to the power that slow brings, I’m equally committed to human happiness. And I mean for everyone. You can experience instant joy by […]

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Doing the Crazy

Not many people are talking about personal liberation these days. Maybe it’s because most of us feel trapped and think it’s a normal way of being. But I have news. It’s not. My friend recently called me to say she had lost her juicy, but […]

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Oprah Asked Me

“What brings you joy?” Okay, so she asked a million others, too. Here’s what I wrote because I thought the topic was blog-worthy (and I’m also not sure anyone else will see it otherwise.) 🙂 The biggest joy I experience in life is connection with […]

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