Simple Synchronicity

The subconscious mind is a powerful place. It is the layer between knowing and thinking. It is the pith on the orange of our soul. Sometimes I will entertain a thought that is buried so deeply, I barely notice I’m thinking it. I park it, […]

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Vacation Deprivation

Florida. White beaches. Rolling waves. The smell of sea salt tickling your nose. It is a beautiful place, a warm haven for ‘snow birds’ who come down from the North for a winter reprieve. Ironically, it is also one of the places where employees take […]

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Life’s a Beach

Last month released its 2012 Flip Flop report. Seeing as I developed a flip-flop method for measuring your pace of life, I feel it’s only appropriate to post this nifty infographic. Germans top the list of beach-loving nations ~ it could have something to […]

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The Thunder Clap of Thursday

What is your favorite day of the week? Is it Monday as you start anew? Sunday, the day of rest? Or do you, like me, adore Thursdays, that is, Thor’s day, the most thunderous day of the week? Thursday is a delicious time of almost-there-to-weekend […]

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The road less travelled

Image via Wikipedia Benjamin Franklin meant well. He advised his tradesmen audience in the aptly worded „Advice to a Young Tradesman”  that time is money. In his day a person of trade, well, traded his time for the money he earned. In many cases today […]

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Vacate the premises

If you’re anything like me, you start dreaming about summer vacation the moment the first bulb sprouts from the earth. Vacation planning is not just about flipping through catalogues and finding the right place to go, however. It also involves a great deal of preparation, […]

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How to Get More Free Time

Free time doesn’t have to be expensive because it is indeed ‘free’. The first step to having more free time is to decouple your understanding of time as money. When thinking that time equals money, they treat time as if it were very expensive. In […]

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Sunshine Days

The weather has been unexpectedly spectacular since I have been in the States. New York hit 70F on last Thursday. It stayed warm even when it rained the following day. Boston’s weather has been the same. Today the sun warmed our faces as we smiled […]

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