The Fitness Habit

A reporter recently asked how to shave 30 minutes off your day to exercise. It seemed like a good idea to figure out how people generally spend their time and where they might find a few minutes here or there to squeeze in a fitness […]

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One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Have you ever played the Waiting Game? If you have spent time waiting in line, at the doctor’s office, for that check in the mail, for that acceptance letter, for  the weather to turn for the better, for vacation to come, for the in-laws to […]

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Somewhere in the Dance

The framed picture spoke a thousand words in just a few: “I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile I keep dancing.” Your heart can dance even if your feet cannot. As I recently posted, life is a dance. The partners we choose make […]

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Your Life: Summed Up

The average American spends nine years of his life watching television and two million commercials. Only two weeks of his life is spent kissing another person. Imagine if those numbers were reversed (and probably are in some countries!). The average Joe spends 4,050 hours at […]

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Doing the Crazy

Not many people are talking about personal liberation these days. Maybe it’s because most of us feel trapped and think it’s a normal way of being. But I have news. It’s not. My friend recently called me to say she had lost her juicy, but […]

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