The Search for Simplicity

The sweet, satisfied sigh that ensues a Sudoku puzzle accomplished. The chubby rolls of a baby’s leg. The quickly abated tragedy put aside with ice cream and a game of catch. The nightly news that speaks of a neighborhood robbery, not the salacious stealing of […]

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For the Love of Simplicity

Smooth lines. Clean surfaces. Rooms filled with air, not stuff. Streamlining life can be so lovely. “Simplicity is what I want in 2014,” my friend told me. But, she admitted, in our complicated world filled with data and distraction, it’s not that simple to obtain. […]

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Little Simplicities

The simple life means something different to everyone. For some it means living in small, minimalistic spaces. For others it means removing barriers that stand in their way. For others still it refers to their pace of life ~ sleepy, super Slow and silent. For […]

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Simple Pleasures

The greatest pleasures in life are free. Take laughter as an example. Do it daily. You’ll live longer…and better too. Or how about sunshine? On days when the sun is beaming, let the rays shower your spirit (use sunscreen, of course!). Connecting with dear friends […]

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