The Turmoil of Soil and Oil

Browsing the thickly laden shelves of a Northampton bookstore, I sucked in the aroma of freshly printed works by people who could be my friends. My pal Lara had shared one of her favorites with me the day before at her Lincoln, MA home. It […]

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Earth Day Tip ~ Sustainable Eating

You are what you eat, and how you eat it. Locally grown produce, also known as Slow Food, is not only good for you, it’s good for the environment, too. On this Earth Day, I pose the question about agriculture because the food industry is […]

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Need more time? Keep a time abundance journal

Gratitude journals rule. According to research conducted at the University of California at Davis, those study participants who made regular entries in their gratitude journals had a more consistent exercise regime, reported fewer physical symptoms, had a more optimistic view of their lives on the […]

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Life’s Too Short for Bad Baked Goods

“Life’s too short for bad baked goods.” That is, indeed, my motto. Rob Hopkins, author of The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience, gave an interesting talk about relocalizing the economy during the first session of the Healthy Money Summit yesterday.  He talked […]

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Better Diet, Better Life

Image via Wikipedia   Marilu Henner provided some interesting tips recently that underscore the saying “You are what you eat.” If you fill up on junk food, chances are you feel that way, too. As a coach for the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart, Ms. Henner reveals her secrets […]

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The Skinny on Restaurant Eating

Oxygen magazine’s executive editor, Diane Hart, recently released  Pick It, Kick It, a book that weighs in on American eating habits. She told me that , “Eating right doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive – it is a simple matter of making the right […]

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The Healing Powers of Chocolate

Chocolate. It is happiness in a wrapper. Have you ever wondered why chocolate is so delightful? For anyone who has delved into a bar and emerged with a grin, you will agree that the sweetness of this cocoa-based treat resembles the healing powers of Grandma’s […]

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Summer fun has just begun

Image by Andy Ciordia via Flickr As with every year in Central Europe, just as one believes summer will never arrive, it does. We got a glimpse of warmth over the past three days. Although it has cooled today, we know it will be warmer […]

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Slow Food in Bavaria

I make a lousy tourist. For one thing I’d prefer to talk to the countrymen of the place I’m visiting than my fellow tourists with cameras strapped around their necks. My dad and his wife are visiting, and I’m finding I’m a much better tour […]

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