Slow Food Meets Big Business

Ecological food production is typically viewed as a local family run-type enterprise, nothing matching the grand scale of a multinational corporation. So it seemed dubious when I received an invitation to a February 2nd event sponsored by the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of New York […]

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Life can be a Piece of Cake!

With Husband gone for a week to the States, I’ve had ample opportunity to occupy the kitchen in his absence. Thanks to Robert Rose, the Canadian publisher of, can we  say, Capital A-mazing recipe books, I have once again astounded myself. I am a culinary […]

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Why Butter is Best Bought…But Bread Not

For those of you who have followed this blog for a while, you may recall my post on Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, a book that recounts the author’s year-long foray into the Slow Food movement with helpful recipes and daunting tales of raising heritage […]

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Cool meals for hot days

Now I know it is not hot in my resident country (Germany) right now, but it is sweltering just about everywhere else in the Northern Hemisphere. For those of you looking for wholesome, no-oven meal choices, you must look to the August issue of DASH. […]

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Mindful Eating Leads to Weight Loss

Meditation is typically something you think of as a strategy for quieting the mind. But apparently, it can quiet your appetite, too. According to recent research reported by the Harvard Health Letter, mindful eating can lead to weight loss and an increase in food enjoyment. […]

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The Politics of Food

My mama said “Whatever you do, don’t discuss politics or religion at the dinner table. It’s not good manners. Nor is it good for your digestion.” I took her advice to heart. But these days, it’s hard not to think about the politics of the […]

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