India: The Country of Contrasts

India is a country of contrasts. After traveling throughout South India for the past three months, we have witnessed so much poverty, pollution and poetry of existence. It is a beautiful, wretched, aromatic, putrid, nourishing and soul-bleeding place. The wave of emotions evoked by our experiences […]

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Strength over fear

When your strength is stronger than your fear, you move mountains. Courage is not measured by the actual number of wins you have in life. It is measured by the number of times you get up when you have fallen. It is a mark of […]

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Summer’s Farewell

The sun rays pierce through the open sky. The smell of decaying leaves fills the air. Summer gasps its last breath as we say fare-thee-well for another year. I have never been at such peace to bid the hot months goodbye as I have been this […]

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As Good as It Gets

Sometimes our lives resemble a house of cards: fragile, tenuous, easily knocked down with one gust of wind. In those tender moments we need to remember that doing our very best looks different than if things are running along smoothly and we have a full […]

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Do you believe in the power of goodness? Do you believe in the mysteries of the Universe? Do you believe something amazing is about to happen? Belief is the bedrock of our existence. When we lose our faith in someone or something, we get deflated. […]

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Take a Stand

“You’ve gotta stand for something, Christine,” my oldest sister advised me when I was in my thirties. But I wasn’t ready yet to stick my neck out that far. I thought maybe I could make a difference by laying low, keeping cool and making friends…with […]

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Dance in the Receiving

A few months ago a friend of mine taught me a valuable, life-changing exercise I’d like to share with you. It has to do with removing the mental barriers we place on ourselves that ultimately hinder us from getting what it is that we want. […]

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The Pictures in Our Heads

Pictures, pictures, look at all the pretty pictures! We have so many of them swirling around in our heads that they wouldn’t fit in even the largest museum. Murals of how our relationships should be; canvases splattered with paint, depicting our perfect job, children, life. […]

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What would people say about you if you left the room? Are you living a life of true intention? I know it’s a heady question, but it’s one worth asking. Luckily, Bryan Clay, Olympic hopeful for this summer’s Olympics in London, started to ask himself […]

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