Beacons of light

Things happen. And we can deem them a disaster or the fruition of our desire. Or something in between. It really depends on our state of mind. Because as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, things happen. Whether we like it or not. Every […]

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Simple Synchronicity

The subconscious mind is a powerful place. It is the layer between knowing and thinking. It is the pith on the orange of our soul. Sometimes I will entertain a thought that is buried so deeply, I barely notice I’m thinking it. I park it, […]

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Life’s Little Synchronicities

The train from Stuttgart sped along the late winter tracks as the grey light weighed down on me. Sitting in a six-person compartment with a man preoccupied with his iPhone, I wondered if I was making the right decision to set my sights on Freiburg […]

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Going to the Light

Miracles can only be seen in the light. If we are enshrouded by darkness, we only “see” our thoughts. But when our eyes are widened by the light, we take in so much more. According to A Course in Miracles, “[d]enial of light leads to […]

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In Step with Synchronicity

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined the phrase synchronicity, which means the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated or unlikely to occur together by chance, yet are experienced as occurring together in a meaningful manner. So it was with my visit […]

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When Synchronicity Calls

This morning I was listening to a fabulous interview with Marilyn Nyborg for Women on the Edge of Evolution‘s weekly audio series. She was talking about how women were not present during the signing of the Declaration of Independence or during the drafting of the […]

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