The One Question

Dreams do come true. Here’s mine. [youtube_sc url=”” title=”The%20Power%20of%20Slow” autohide=”1″] The TedX Linz event was life-changing. I hope you (and all the friends you share it with) enjoy the talk!

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Dare to Dream

“Look for the good things to come…and they will.” I posted that on Facebook yesterday. A great friend of mine from California quickly reminded me that those good things have already happened. It’s simply our job to remember them. Calling forth good things is really […]

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The soul-soothing quality of music

If you don’t know TED, drop what you’re doing and run, do not walk, to this site. An actor friend of mine got me turned on to this organization that hosts conferences on the most diverse subjects. TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. It was […]

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