Courage Lives Here

“The world breaks everyone And afterwards Many are strong at the broken places.” ~ Ernest Hemingway BrenĂ© Brown, the so-called shame researcher, blew me away again. In her second TED talk, she expounds on what shame is…and what it is not. Shame is not guilt. […]

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The Worthiness of YOU

Dangling on a limb is what monkeys do. They think nothing of swinging from branch to branch high in the sky, flicking bugs off each other and humping anyone they see as a ‘How do you do’. To be a monkey must be so much […]

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The End to Inbox Insanity

Now that I have multiple ways to access my inbox (iPhone, laptop, desktop) but only one way to permanently delete them (desktop), I have been in search of an Email Charter that will help me save my time…or should I say my life? One such […]

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