What is productivity anyway?

Productivity is a term with deep implications in Western society. If we obtain it, we are considered successful. If we don’t, we are not. While writing my book, The Power of Slow, I examined why we do the things we do such as obsessive email checking […]

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Full Stop

Britt Bravo wrote a brilliant post about her need for a slow holiday. I couldn’t agree more. So hop on over to her page because, truly, she says it all. Happy Holidays everyone! I’ll see you in the New Year!

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Thank You, Silence

Alanis Morissette, my lovely female vocalist companion who sings for the millions of women out there without a voice (like hers), once thanked India, Providence, and dis-il-lu-sion-me-hent. Loving her extended vowels like I do, I am grateful to her swanky singer-songwriter soul and for the […]

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How do you view time?

Time is of the essence. Time is money. Time is a terrible thing to waste…or was it the mind? Perhaps time is all in our minds. If you believe Robert Levine, a brilliant social psychologist from California State University who authored A Geography of Time, […]

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Right on Time

“Oh no!” my friend’s email cyber-wailed. “I forgot your birthday…” Actually, she had not. She had remembered right on time. I spent seven glorious days on a Spanish island with two of my favorite people in the world: my best friend and my husband (my […]

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It All Comes Down to Time

The sixth in a series of work-life balance stories pushes our minds to the edge by understanding where balance originates and how to apply our relationship with time to achieve it. Lifestyle coach, Suzanne Ballantyne states: “The world may be off kilter; but we don’t […]

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Slow Quote – Quality Time, not Quantity

 “What counts is not the years in your life but the life in your years.”  -Adlai E. Stevenson (1900-1965)    We often hear “You’re as young as you feel” or “You’re as young as you think you are!”  Think about it.  How important is our […]

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