Empathy’s Endgame

In today’s world, we have more tools to communicate with one another than ever before in the history of mankind. We can connect to the farthest reaches of the planet in a click. With all this technology, you would think it would bring us closer […]

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The Courage to Make a Mistake

A recent Workplace Mojo blog post got me to thinking about the fearlessness of failure. What if we were to fail. Big time. What if we were to fail so badly, we lost everything, only to begin again? What if we were to take risks […]

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Habits are hard to break, especially the ones that aren’t good for us. But as creatures that love routine, we cling to our structures as if our lives depended on it. That’s how we’re made. What would we do if we didn’t have our preset […]

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No Quantum Leaps Required

Stumbling blindly through life is something I have found myself doing whenever I leave the path of my vision. When my inner sight is clouded, I get lost in a place much like a damp, dark well. The only thing that accompanies me is the […]

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The Flame of Intuition

Intuition mostly comes like a flash of lightning. It is a strong inner knowing about something you couldn’t possibly know about through facts or even experience. It can be a guiding light in the storm of confusion. It can be your saving grace. Listening to […]

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