How to Take the ‘Suck’ out of Your Time

Waiting sucks. Or at least we think it to be a minor annoyance. While waiting can offer us the opportunity to savor, you task-minded folks may appreciate these tips for those places when hanging around feels more like a time drain than a dance! Doctor’s […]

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Waiting for the Wise

Waiting is something I have blogged about in the past. My wise friend, Lissa Coffey, talks about the act of waiting in the most powerful way. In today’s Wisdom News newsletter she writes: “There is a difference between the waiting of the prophet and the standing […]

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Soap Opera Slowness

I admit I used to watch Young and the Restless religiously. It was the only soap I followed and, with some irony, I was invited to an awards’ ceremony in Las Vegas last year. The host was Melody Thomas Scott, the actor who has played […]

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