The solace of the winter solstice

As December 21 approaches, we are skirting on the edges of dawn’s light, the threshold of tomorrow’s longer days. For the past few weeks, the sun’s weak rays have barely penetrated the sky. It has an effect on us all, propelling an inward motion, a […]

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Summer’s Farewell

The sun rays pierce through the open sky. The smell of decaying leaves fills the air. Summer gasps its last breath as we say fare-thee-well for another year. I have never been at such peace to bid the hot months goodbye as I have been this […]

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Chasing the Light

The days have shrunk to half their size. The grandiose power of the sun has been replaced by a weaker version of itself. The sky is grey. The Earth is balding. Winter is almost here. I have noticeably started organizing my activities around the waning […]

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The Era of Restoration

The restorative powers of sleep are not to be underestimated. We all need rest. If we don’t get it, we shorten our lives, and the quality of it, considerably. The Earth’s response to the colder nights can serve as a reminder to us all about […]

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Halfway Between Here and There

This past weekend was Candlemas, the halfway point between winter and spring. It symbolizes the coming of the light, and with it, a welcoming warmth we could all use right now. This past week we cast off the seemingly impermeable blanket of snow that had […]

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Nature’s Narrative

For the third time this winter, we’ve seen the sun. I exaggerate. For the second. It has been a Star Wars-like season ~ dark battling light. It appeared for a time that the darkness had won. But in the last few days, Nature has spoken […]

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Winter WonderWhat?

No matter how hard I try, winter is the one season I have a hard time embracing. I see animals struggle to stay cold (heck! anyone dependent on Russia’s non-flowing natural gas supply right now is struggling to do the same), the trees look like […]

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