What’s So Great About Getting Older?

A lot, actually. But of all the things I have learned in my lifetime, one stands out the most. The years have taught me not to take things personally. Milk gets spilled. Clouds form. Missteps happen. People misbehave (or behave differently than we would have them […]

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The Wisdom of Two Open Palms

Imagine two hands reaching up to the sky, palms open. One hand is receiving while the other is letting go. It looks as though they are both doing the same thing, but they are not. Being open to receiving good things in your life requires […]

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The Wisdom of Illness

Cruising at an altitude of a low-grade fever, I decided it might be a good idea to visit the doctor yesterday, even though it was Sunday and I had to wait all day for the ’emergency hours’ to be open. My husband kindly drove me […]

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Happy New Year!

Are you ready to embrace 2011 for all it’s worth? As my gift to you, I offer you a 10-week wisdom course on learning how to embrace the power of slow. You will receive 10 one-minute audio messages to remind you how others have found […]

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Quotes on Time

My sage stepmother sent me some gems I wanted to share with you. She has an inspirational calendar chock full of wisdom. She even tossed in one of her own. The subject? My favorite: time. “Life is all about timing… the unreachable becomes reachable, the […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Aged Counsel

With age comes wisdom. And while we may see marked changes in our physique, we benefit from an equally noticeable transformation from within. There comes a time in life when we realize residing within instead of setting our compass from without is the path to […]

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Faith prevailing

The word faith got some bad play during the interminable eight years of the Bush administration. We started wars in the name of faith. We cut social services in the name of faith (in a collapsing capitalist structure). Somewhere along the line we lost the […]

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