Desiderata Days ~ Aged Counsel
With age comes wisdom. And while we may see marked changes in our physique, we benefit from an equally noticeable transformation from within. There comes a time in life when we realize residing within instead of setting our compass from without is the path to enlightenment. We become more settled. Our interior landscape is smoother.
Max Ehrmann says:
Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Some people say aging gracefully is impossible. What a spectacular claim! Is it not with age that we become more graceful on this Earth? I may pant up the hill on my mountain bike more readily than even a few years ago. Does that make me less of a person? The years counsel us in ways youth cannot hear. It is a tremendous gift indeed.
Kriss Akabusi
April 4, 2010 at 1:05 pmMy days of being a sporting champion are a generation behind me and I am loving the experience of observing the slow atrification of my body being superceeded by the development of my mind. There are many ways to strenthen to soul!
April 4, 2010 at 4:20 pmKriss ~you truly inspire me. I love how you craft your words to resound with the truth of your heart. Thank you for stopping by!
Kat Tansey
April 4, 2010 at 2:25 pmI love the idea of your book, Christine, and particularly appreciate this post today. One of the main reasons I began the “Finding Magic in Midlife” radio show was to focus on women’s midlife wisdom.
I agree with you — aging gracefully most certainly can be done — the women on “Magic” are proving it every week. Would love to have you me on join the journey…
Kat Tansey
April 4, 2010 at 4:21 pmWould love to connect with you, Kat. Do let me know what you have in mind. Thanks for your kind words today!
Danielle Simone
April 10, 2010 at 6:41 pmChristine,
For years, a little plaque of Desiderata has graced my wall.
Thanks for reminding me about savoring life, in all its myriad of moments.
While listening to Peter, Paul and Mary a few days ago, a line struck a chord deep inside me: “Memories move us past each other…” Moments make memories. Without memories, you can feel the breeze of time in your hair.
Take it slow!
April 11, 2010 at 8:32 amHow incredibly poetic and beautiful, Danielle! Thank you for sharing the breeze of time with me today!