Why this blog?

We know life can be busy. But do we really have to go at the speed of light to get to where we want to go? This blog provides insights into how to live at the speed of life instead.


  1. Donald Pillai

    January 19, 2012 at 8:53 am

    Christine you are a very enthusiastic, vibrant and charismatic speaker, trainer, Author, Actor and Friend. You are knowledgeable in so many fields and it is fun to spend time with you and your inspiring, life changing and innovative programs. Keep up the good work. You are a Treasure and a Gift to this world.

    1. powerofslow

      January 19, 2012 at 10:01 am

      Thank you for your kind words!

  2. Dee

    May 11, 2012 at 7:45 am

    Just a quick question: what if one gets questions reading your book … Do we have an interactive page where you and other subscribers can share our thoughts … apart from FB … Your response is highly appreciated Christine.

    I could do some exercises on my own relationship with time reading your book. I kinda liked uncovering myself … So would like to build on myself … Thanks much for the possibilities through the book. A good read, I must say.

    1. powerofslow

      May 11, 2012 at 10:36 am

      Hi Dee!

      Thanks so much for your comment. This blog is meant to act as an interactive forum. I very much welcome your thoughts. I also periodically do teleseminars/professional Webinars. I can let you know when the next one is ~ it looks like it may be in July.

      Please be in touch! The best way to do so is to subscribe to this blog and also on Facebook at http://facebook.com/powerofslow.

      Best to you!

  3. Thomas Mathew

    May 31, 2012 at 8:24 am

    Just finished reading your book 🙂 . I am basically a lazy person , most of what is written in the book does not apply to me : ) . Anyways well written book and was good to read


    1. powerofslow

      June 4, 2012 at 12:00 pm

      Thanks for stoppong by, Thomas! Glad you liked the book!

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