How to screech to a halt – no petroleum products for a day

A TV crew is filming my husband and me next Saturday. They are going to observe what happens when a couple tries to live without petroleum products for a day. We’re not just talking about the classic stuff such as heating oil and automobiles. We’re talking about the mineral oil in your oilmake-up, the plastic spatula to dish out food, the hairbrush you use in the morning. Even your toothbrush! Ewwww!

It is for a good cause, though. The science program, Faszination Wissen (Fascination Knowledge), is trying to show how far-reaching our use of oil goes. We’re excited. And nervous. And wondering how slow our lives will be in a week!

Oh, and you want to know the best part? It turns out I know the TV host, but that’s not how we learned about the opportunity. If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. Synchronicity, and the power of slow, are at work once again!


  1. Mary

    February 14, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    Yikes…I commend you for trying to do that. good luck!

  2. powerofslow

    February 14, 2009 at 5:05 pm

    Thanks, Mary. I will most definitely blog about how it goes!

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