Bringing Slow to your Workday

A New York publicist recently asked me how she might bring more ‘slow’ to her day.  With a busy firm and a client list the length of her arm, she is often overwhelmed by the rigors of her workday.

As with other people I have spoken with recently, I find bringing Nature closer to home creates a relaxing atmosphere. No matter whether you live in a city, as she does, or elsewhere, surrounding yourself with beauty is the first step to leading a mindful life.

You know the feeling of fighting against your own environment? The cars, plantthe noise, the pollution? The simple act of putting a plant or flowers on your desk can make a huge difference. Add a portable water fountain. The sound of water is a proven way to calm the mind. These things serve to remind you to slow down, hear the rhythm of your own heartbeat, and remember your inner self.

Light a scented candle while you watch TV. Improve your diet by adding one thing from outside (and in its original state) to every meal. For instance, eat a carrot stick instead of a sugar-laced juice drink. Think natural to natural. The natural state of the carrot blends with your natural state of health.

There are many more ways to bring slow to your day, at least 101 alone between the covers of The Power of Slow!

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