A Lovegram from Two Ends of the World

I recently talked about slow relationships, the kind in which you take a moment to ask how the other is, to let them know you are thinking of them, just because.

I got two great messages today, and I just had to share because love is one of those things, like time, that you give away and receive at virtually the same moment.

My dear friend, Gary Ellenbolt, gave me the South Dakota Sky. In his note, he wrote:

The wide open spaces bid the Hohlbaums a gracious good night.

 It is a breath-taking gift worth sharing with the world.








And this morning, my dear friend Donald Pillai from South Africa, sent me a lovely note, the picture of which I cannot seem to display (naughty technology!). He had intended to send it earlier, he said, but he got caught up in other things. His timing was impeccable as things, dear reader, always happen at the exact time they should.

Embrace the slow in your relationships today. Send someone a note just because. It will make their day…and yours, too!

1 Comment

  1. Twitted by hohlbaum

    May 6, 2009 at 1:17 pm

    […] This post was Twitted by hohlbaum – Real-url.org […]

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