Slow Travel

That smooth and silky road of leisurely travel is one we all hope to embrace at some point in the year. As some people’s summer vacations end and others’ begin, we are reminded that taking the slow road is sometimes the most relaxing of all.

Throughout the summer I’ve considered what we will do with the six weeks of school-free living. The kids have been content in their first week of unstructured time to roll out of bed at the Godly hour of 8 a.m. Our faces seem less creased, our skin less stressed. Mealtimes are looser; attitudes more compliant.

We’ve decided some pool time, some reading time and some movie time would be perfect this week. Then there’s riding and library time and down time just because. There’s work time (parents’ work is never done!) as well as visiting time with the grands over a long weekend. We’ll enjoy more family time with cousins next weekend, and then our two-week Italian trip is already here.

Transition time comes the second week of September as we remind ourselves about how to hold a pen, tap on the keyboard again and soothe client fears. Such is the cycle of life. But for now, I savor this delicious moment of standing at the edge of our slow travel plans!

Attention slow travellers: is worth a visit!


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  1. unfoldingyourpathtojoy

    August 5, 2010 at 4:42 pm

    I love Summer break for the very reasons you mentioned…We are able to allow our bodies to wake on their own which is a treat. We enjoy days of no commuitments, allowing them to unfold just so. The children may pick their own activities so while one is reading, the other is drawing, then they switch or join in play together..and I can do my own thing or join with them..We participate in activities with friends…Long, leisurely, unrushed days. I love these days so much that I’ve learned to incorporate them in throughout our entire year..and I’m learning to make these days my life…

    1. powerofslow

      August 9, 2010 at 9:31 am

      I’d love to hear more about how you’ve incorporate breezy days of nothingness into your life! Fantastic!

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